A fire extinguisher is essential safety equipment for all domains whether it is your house, office, factory, construction site or vehicle. Our fire extinguishers are certified by leading global safety certification agencies like UL, LPCB, CE or Kite Mark.
Portable fire extinguishers provide a first line of defence against fires of limited size. Fire extinguishers should be readily accessible and fully functional for immediate use. Since all fire extinguishers are not created equal, it is vital to have the proper size and agent when needed to minimize damage. Properly maintained fire extinguishers operated by trained personnel save lives and prevent property damage.

In common usage there is 5 main fire extinguisher types – Water, Foam, Dry Powder, CO2 and Wet Chemical. You should have the right types of fire extinguisher for your premises, or you may not meet current regulations.
It’s our responsibility for putting in place and maintaining appropriate fire safety measures. This includes making sure your workplace has suitable fire safety equipment. There’s a wide range of apparatus that you’ll need for your business including products to detect and warn you of an impending fire as well as equipment to put it out safely.